About Us

Since its inception by royal decree, Trinity Church NYC has been a steadfast steward of this impressive real estate portfolio. Joined by Norges Bank and Hines under the banner of Hudson Square Properties (HSP), we’ve drawn together the world’s technology, media, and fashion titans by evolving New York’s Original Printing District into a global creative hotbed.

Developing this portfolio for more than 300 years as the city’s oldest landlord, Trinity Church NYC has evolved New York’s Original Printing District into a dynamic mixed-use communication and technology epicenter.

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The world's largest sovereign fund, Norway’s central bank is a multi-generational investment partner bringing ample strategic capital while setting new sustainability standards for New York real estate.

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One of the world’s largest real estate organizations, Hines brings extensive experience in investing, developing, and managing large commercial properties along with a trailblazing ESG perspective.

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Signature Tenants
Priortizing People,
Planet, and Community

We believe in creating long-term value by enabling people to thrive in spaces that benefit them and their communities—an ESG lens helps us realize our vision.


Leveraging the successful evolution of 555 Greenwich + 345 Hudson, Hudson Square Properties is developing a carbon-neutral portfolio.


From public investments to neighborhood events, Hudson Square Properties takes an approach that benefits the whole community.


Hudson Square Properties operates at the highest ethical level with data collection and a published summary ensuring these standards are followed.